Tagged: Wireless

GAME: Mars Space Colony – A Game of Standardization


Automotive Ethernet

The automobile was not thought of as a high-technology device during the last 50 years. “High-tech” meant Silicon Valley—computers, microcircuits, advanced networking, smartphones, things that were defined by advanced electronics and software. Cars may have been high-tech by the standards of mechanical engineers, with “exotic” …

IEEE 802 News & Updates

Click on the title to read each news item:
Market demands and new technology drive innovation in amendments currently under development in the IEEE 802.11 Working Group
IEEE 802.3 Activities
What’s new in the world of IEEE 802.1 TSN
IEEE 802 5G / IMT-2020 Standing Committee

Market demands and new …

Further Reading & Upcoming Events

Interview with James Gilb Regarding IEEE 802 and the Smart Grid
In this interview, James Gilb offers his insights on Ethernet’s involvement with smart grid applications and its numerous benefits, including bandwidth management and its wide availability. Gilb continues with his thoughts on the IEEE …

Practical Ideas from Professors: Teaching Standards in Wireless Communications

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kürner
I am a university professor specializing in mobile radio systems at the Institute for Communications Technology at Technische Universität Braunschweig in Germany. My reseach areas are:
indoor channel characterisation and system simulations for high-speed short-range systems including future terahertz communications systems; propagation, traffic and mobility models for automatic planning and selforganization of cellular …

Technical Standards and Consensus Building

Workshops on Technical Standards and Consensus Building are customized based on participants’ needs and areas of interest.

Appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students, educators and industry professionals in engineering, computing, technology and business fields
Facilitated by industry professionals and standards development experts

Participants can expect:

To learn about the …

IEEE 802.15: Wireless Personal Area Network

IEEE 802.15 working group members discuss the standards they develop for the wireless networking of portable and mobile computing devices that allow these devices to communicate and interoperate with one another.
More information about IEEE 802.15: http://www.ieee802.org/15/
IEEE Get 802® Program: http://standards.ieee.org/about/get/802/802.html