Tagged: 802

Standards and the Smart City

This article originally appeared in Sustainable Cities Collective
Undergirding all of the promising services that figure to play prominently in tomorrow’s sustainable “smart” cities—new economic and governance models, improvements in personal health and public safety, advanced capabilities for traffic, waste, and water management, etc.—will be foundational information and communications …

Evolution of Ethernet Standards in IEEE 802.3 Working Group

Ethernet is constantly evolving, adapting to the needs of the networking world and addressing the requirements of both operators and end-users, while making sure that the resulting technology is cost-efficient, reliable, and operates in a plug and play manner. The IEEE 802.3 Working Group has …

Automotive Ethernet

The automobile was not thought of as a high-technology device during the last 50 years. “High-tech” meant Silicon Valley—computers, microcircuits, advanced networking, smartphones, things that were defined by advanced electronics and software. Cars may have been high-tech by the standards of mechanical engineers, with “exotic” …

IEEE 802 News & Updates

Click on the title to read each news item:
Market demands and new technology drive innovation in amendments currently under development in the IEEE 802.11 Working Group
IEEE 802.3 Activities
What’s new in the world of IEEE 802.1 TSN
IEEE 802 5G / IMT-2020 Standing Committee

Market demands and new …

Further Reading & Upcoming Events

Interview with James Gilb Regarding IEEE 802 and the Smart Grid
In this interview, James Gilb offers his insights on Ethernet’s involvement with smart grid applications and its numerous benefits, including bandwidth management and its wide availability. Gilb continues with his thoughts on the IEEE …